Monday, April 25, 2011

this occurred while i was on a holiday....
had a 25y old guy coming to the clinic breathless and barely able to speak. from his sign language, my MA (medical assistant) figured that he trying to tell him that he was chocking on something.

when he opened his mouth, the MA saw a fish's tail sticking out from his throat and still flapping. the fish's head was all the way in the throat.

the patient was immediately send to Sibu via speed boat then by ambulance. upon arrival, he underwent an emergency surgery of the neck to remove the "foreign body."

apparently this guy has a habit during fishing, where he will keep the fish he caught in between his lips....alive. well guess this fish didn't like that very much and tried killing him by diving into his throat and spread open its fins which contains multiple small hooks/pins like structure.

heard the guy got discharged from the hospital yesterday.

lucky fool....

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