Thursday, June 09, 2005

in the medical ward

im now posted in the medicine ward. on tuesday the case for group discussion was about this old man who was having hematuria (blood in the urine) due to warfarin over dosed. besides that he has a list of other health problems. to name a few: ischemic heart diseae, bronchial asthma, Klebsiella pneumonia, cholilethiasis etc.... warfarin was given because he was having atrial fibrilation(a condition where the heart is not beating according to a fixed rhythm). because the warfarin administration was not monitored, he had an overdosed of it. this happened in one of the private hospitals here. he was then transferred to the general hospital when his family couldnt afford to pay the astronomical medical fees the private hospital was charging for its ICU facility.

before leaving the hospital, i spoke to his god daughter for a moment. she was very concerned bout his condition especially bout his heart condition. i assured her that he was fine and that his heart would hold out just fine.

next morning when i went to the ward to do a follow up i was informed by my friend that the old man passed away during the night.

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