Saturday, May 28, 2005

any of you guys know where i can get cyanide??

i have classses from monday to saturday. on most sundays, i mutate into a pig (yeah yeah....i know lots you think im a pig from monday to saturday as well) and sleep as though im in a coma. this use to be real easy until lately.

my immediate neighbour on the right adopted a new dog. some pariah la. the bitch (i assume. i mean, dont you agree all females irregardless of species like to grumble or bark . hehehe ), is one hell of a barker. never seems to get tired from barking. she must have some super biological clock in her. without fail, she will start barking from 7.30am till 10.30am. then she takes a breather and continues her yapping at 3.30pm till 5.30pm. and my room window is less than 2meters from where the dog is.

last weekend was a long weekend, 3rd saturday and wesak holidays. saturday morning my sleep was disturbed but i told myself i will control myself. besides, i just read gandhi's biography not to long ago. passive resistance....

on sunday her internal pariah (but very effective) rolex watch reminded her it was time to bark again. patience patience patience............ KANINEH!!!! TIAM LA KANASAI!!! (kanineh=fucking tits, tiam la=shut up, kanasai= piece of shit). that must have turned her on cause she was barking even more frantically and louder. gandhi my arse!! at that moment i felt more more like ivan the terrible. so i got up and went to my balcony to confront my neighbour. and i saw her there. sitting just beside the dog.

MAI LAU KUNIANG!!! sitting there for so long and yet she did nothing bout it. WTF!!!

when she looked up she was a bit suprised. maybe because i was still in my boxers and singlet. wat never see a yellow kuku cau before isit well!?!?

she herself was no Ms Bukit Baru ok. she was just wearing a sarong tied above her sagging tits.

i told her nicely that i was trying to sleep and the dog was disturbing me. she mumbled something in hokkien and went to calm her dog down. the dog magically shut up and i went back to my room to piggy it out again. but before you can finish saying kau bu eh neh(mother dog's tits), she started barking again.....


The Who said...

hahaha, can't you just shoot the dog dead or something? food poisoning won't be too hard for ya right? access to all those chemicals....

Anonymous said...

I've done magic with cherry bombs and petrol.

Oh those poor little creatures.
