Saturday, October 14, 2006

day 10

today i went to another jungle campsite at the outskirts of putrajaya. this settlement, Kg Pintu Satu, was worst off than the one in Kg Limau Manis. they live in the jungle itself with no electriticity or water supply. you need a four wheel drive to enter the forest and after tat you'll need to hike for 5-10 mins before you see the first 'kongsi.' a kongsi is basically a large tent or two where around 10-20 people live together.several kongsis are spread around the jungle and would not be visible unless you trek further in. the community leader there was nice enough bring me into the jungle and show me around the place where they live. took some pics which i will upload later.

unlike in limau manis where they have access tho clean water. here they still rely of well water which is rather mucky and dirty. there is no proper sanitation as well but they did reserved an area in the junle just for the sole purpose of defeacation. the people here are quite safe from the hands of the law cause they are all registered with UNHCR and also the fat cats in the law enforcement agencies dont want to go thru the hassle of entering the jungle to look for a bribe.

saw something interesting there. there was this kid who had off and on high grade fever for the past week. and there was multiple vertical dark lines on his neck due to some traditional medicinal practice. what they do is they take a piece of metal, heat it up and then scrap the skin off. its believe to reduce fever and body ache. if you ask me, the only reason the guy wont feel any body ache is because the only pain he will be feeling is at his neck.

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