Monday, December 19, 2005

con man

been enjoying myself the past few weeks with my brother's new Play Station 2. it was a sort of a reward for getting 5As in the UPSR. my sister, mom and i chipped in to get it for him.

actually, we never really thought he will do so well for his exams. his teachers were shocked. his friends and friends' parent were schoked. we were really suprised. dont get me wrong, its not like we looked down on his intelligence. but if you knew my brother you will be shocked as well.

his main purpose to go to school is not to study. ok ok... we were the same at that time. but we go to school to have fun and play with friends and etc etc. he on the other hand, goes to school for sole purpose of making money. for a 12 year old, he sure has a shrewed brain.

for example, he buys the STAR newspaper which cost RM1.20. he will then go to friend A and offer to share it with him. so friend A pays him RM0.60. he repeats the same thing with friend B,C and D. so at the end of the day he makes RM1.20. on a good day it can go up to friend E, F, G....

others business venture includes selling old archie comics which he collects from all over the house for RM3 (MPH sells is for RM6 for a new one), trading cards, wrestling stickers etc. there was once an old uncle gave him a big bag of marbles. there were like some 300 marbles in it. so he sold it for RM1 for 5 marbles. his friends who are in the same 'line' ocassionally get caught by teachers but he never does.

the head prefect probably got bribed.

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