Saturday, November 12, 2005

sports competition

its that time of the year again...its the college interbatch competion. the different batches/classes pit against each other in all kind of sports. football, basketball, tennis, badminton etc.

unlike most sports competition where a new a hero is born or an inspiring come back victory unfolds, the interbatch is famous for unearthing the darkest,pariah-est animalistic side of many of the students.

sportsmanship.....what that???

honesty....its for idiots only

fair play.....what you crazy!!! you want to lose!!!

to some batches, it is all about winning. losing is not an option. they feel they will be line up and shot communist style if they lose. friendship takes a momentary back seat. its all about glory for your batch....or rather, self glory actually. the politics that goes along with the team selection will make UMNO politics look like kids play. serious. the amount of back stabbing that goes around, you'll be suprise that the person being back stab doesnt bleed for real.

even the girls suprised me with their level of 'intensity.' netball games are not for the faint of heart. hair pulling is not uncommon. cat fights are a norm. shouts (or whispers) of "YOU BITCH" can be heard all thru the game.

supporters invading the courts or field happen sometimes. usually in protest of a referee decision or to upgrade a cat fight to a full fledge Royal Rumble. We medical students, always looking for reason to fight to release all that negetive stress accumulating in us.

so what drive these people to act the way they do? to act like a bunch of cavemen. is it the competitive spirit that all medical students have?? the desire to win and be the best?? or is because of pride and ego??

i think its just the effect of surgery posting

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