Monday, September 19, 2005

exotic dinner


two weeks back me and 7 others drove for 40mins to macap baru to try the famed macap baru wild animal dinner.the exotic meal was awesome. we had wild boar, bats, deer, tortoise soup, squirel, fox and biawak. the only thing normal on the table was the pork and veggie.

if an animal lover or a vagen was there, they would probably die of a heart attack(hey, we can then feed them to the biawak or python to fatten them up for our next meal)

wild boar taste exatly like pork. only difference is that its not as juicy as your domestic bred pigs. guess all the running from over enthusiastic hunters with guns keep these wild swines pretty lean. probably they should legalized wild boar meat. definately will decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease among the chinese.
yeah boy!! keep it going!! we need more of you on the table!!

what happens when a chinaman sees a wild boar crossing the road??

squirels are ok if they give you the right parts. the worst parts to eat are the ribs. it will look like a nice thin piece of meat. but when you put it in your mouth and start chewing, its all bony. a real bitch to eat. but if you are those kind of ppl who like your chicken rice with bony chicken parts, then maybe you'll enjoy it. anyway, they are such darn cute animals. eat something else la... i mean its like eating alvin the chipmunk(wait a minute...are chipmunks and squirels the same thing)

bats are just simply delicious. at one point we didnt know we were having bats. we thought we were having a fox cause it was pretty meaty. i had a bat drumstick!! bet you dont get those at KFC. finger licking good.

"where the hell are all those bats?? Has the chinese invaded Gotham??"

tortoise soup was great but the cook put a little to much herb in it. the best part of the tortoise are the tendons. its neither soft nor hard. cant explain. alah...kasi makan cukup la. i would not eleborate on how they slaughter the tortoise. pretty brutal actually.

"ARGGHH....chinaman!! chinaman!!! CRAWL!!CRAWL!!"

biawak when cook with curry, taste simply....orgasmic!!i was told its the only way you can cook it. cause only with curry powder can its bad smell be masked. they cut it into small pieces and add lots of curry powder and curry leaves. you got to eat using your hand cause its easier that way compared to using the fork and spoon. it taste like chicken actually. the only give away was its 'boniness'(however you spell that).

at the end of dinner, we came to the conclusion that when it comes to eating habits you can classify God's creation into the following groups:




Chinese (Wah lau weh...dinner to good. beh tahan ah!!! Need to sleep man)


Anonymous said...

sial punya budak.....


Charles said...

Animal buffet second time? Good post I say.