Sunday, June 04, 2006

breakin a bone

after spending 3 weeks in the orthopedic ward, i've come to two conclusions:
  1. i will never be an orthopedics doctor
  2. i never want to break a bone

breaking a bone is not something nice. getting the bone back into place is even worst. 100 times worst!!! especially if you have a low pain threshold level like me.

i have no problems looking at disfigured and deformed limbs. but the treatment, lord god....

if they say surgeons are butchers, then orthopedic surgeons must be the king of them all.

there was this guy(who looks like a bangla but has a Jamaican name) who broke a bone in his leg. so they had to do something called below knee skeletal traction where they connect a weight(around 5kg) to a metal rod in his leg. in order to that, they had to manually drill a 10cm steel rod through the guy' leg just below the knee.

they gave the guys some anesthesia over the area and they proceed to drill the steel rod into the skin through the bone and exiting on the other side. drilling through a bone is no easy job. on a scale of 0 to 10, i will say its around 12. one doctor will be pushing the guys' leg and another doctor will drill the rod from the opposite side. if ever these doctors loose their license to pratice, i bet they wont have problem getting a job Petronas CariGali.

it took 3 doctors to complete the job. there was a female doctor who tried drilling the rod through but i seriously doubt she contributed anything to the cause except to cause more pain and misery to the poor guy. below was the conversation that took place during the procedure:

D1: kasi kuat lagi!!! kuat lagi. ah, tangan jangan bengkok. nanti rod senget boss marah.

D2: ERGHHHRHHH....sial la!! tak boleh masuk!

D1: kakaka...kau ini lemah la. suruh pigi gym tak mau. ah X(akaD3) baik kau warm. nanti you punya turn.

*D3 really starts doing stretches while D2 continues to drill the rod. at the background, you have the pseudo-jamaican patient muffled groans.

D2: ARRGGHH....huh!huh!huh! wei penat la. hahaha. betul betul tak boleh la.

D3: ah biar saya buat sekarang.

D3 starts drilling with a vengence.

pseudo-jamaican: argh.....

D1: ah lagi lagi!!!! kakaka....fulamak. ini X kurus la tapi kuat macam badak.

pseudo-jamaican: argghhh....

D1: lagi lagi!!! jangan stop!!!

pseudo-jamaican: WARRRGGHHHHHHHHH.....

D1: apa pasal you jerit???

pseudo-jamaican: wah, banyak sakit man.....

D1 looks at the patient's leg.

D1: oh, rod dah hampir keluar. kasi dia bius....

skeletal traction....its the same thing that the bangla got.

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