Monday, March 13, 2006

things you most likely yo hear on the last day of exams in my college

super kiasu group: hey exam in 6mths!!! better go study now. but dont tell the rest. after they get better results than you.

kiasu group: aiyah die man this time. i think im going to fail. (and they end up getting distinctions. bloody bitches!!)

moderate group: need to go and sleep. cannot take it anymore man!!

normal group: eh dude, where you want to go and get drunk tonight???

hardcore group: eh macha...hic...shouldnt have...hic... drank so much...hic...last night


The Who said...

u know, you should have a picture of u before and after Lent.....

Before : Alive and kicking
After : Half-alive and God knows what heheheh

wantan mee walla said...

aisay sama aje....masih gemuk.