Thursday, August 18, 2005

suicide in the hospital

few days back, a guy killed himself in the hospital i was posted in. he was a burmese psychiatric patient who was warded in the surgery ward which was on the 4th floor. he had just undergone a surgical procedure. for reasons only known to him, he left his bed and climbed on to the window ledge. my surgery lecturer saw him on the window ledge and tried to talk him down while all the nurses stood there. all to stunned to do anything. since he was a burmese guy i guess he didnt understand what my lecturer was saying and jumped off anyway. the lecturer managed to catch hold off his hand but couldnt get a firm grip and the guy's hand slipped off. he fell and landed on the cement floor on his head.

when i passed by the site where he landed an hour later, it was already cleaned up but you could see a big dark stain with some pinkish white materials around the area. must be the brain tissues.

the next day, none of of the local papers carried the story.was it because he was just some crazy burmese guy?? to insignificant to be mention. or was it a good cover up by the hospital administrator??

why was the guy not restrained if he was a psych patient?? what if he didnt jumped down but start to attack other patients and hospital staff??

who then should be responsible??

1 comment:

Charles said...

You shittin' me dude? Don't have a camera??? I'll BUY you one!!!