Thursday, January 20, 2011

power cut of a supernatural kind

my government house here in song seems to have some problem with the electrical wiring. every now and then the fuse box will trip for no apparent reason. the entire health complex will have power supply except for my house. when that happens, usually i just need to push the fuse button back into its original position to get power back.

two days ago while i was cooking dinner, the dam fuse box decided to trip again.. imagine cooking in the dark. dah la im a lousy cook, now have to cook in the dark. no surprise that my nasi goreng kampung looks like nasi goreng kicap kering. the entire rice was almost black.

tried to push the dam fuse button back into position, but it just wouldn't go back. so had to spend the whole night in darkness. it was cold, windy and raining the the entire week till the point the rejang river almost over flowed. but on the day when i have a power cut, the rain wouldn't fall a drop, and the wind refused to blow. in the morning when it was time to go to work, the power decided to come back on by itself.....who said god doesnt have a sense of humor.

so i called the electrician to come have a look. he examined the fuse box, inspected every switch and plug point in my house . after a few hours, i met up with him in my house.

i asked him, "so fuse box rosak ka?"

he replied; "bukan doktor."

"plug point rosak?"

"Bukan jugak doktor (scratching his head)."

"ada benda elektrik saya short circuit ke?"

"bukan jugak doktor."

"tak de masalah dengan semua tu????"

"tiada doktor."

"habis apa masalah dia???'

he looked at me and with a serious face he said, "Doktor, rumah you ada hantu."

how i wish i still had my burnt fried rice then.....

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