Saturday, December 09, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
golden shower
but normal kids are replaced by rather cranky lecturers (not all of them though. some are pretty nice) who perpetually wakes up on the wrong side of the bed every bloody day. they just hate us students. i;ve been called idiot, stupid, bodoh and horrible horrible boy so many times in the past 1 1/2 months. of course she thinks that her verbal abuse will cause us to cringe shamefully and to weep in silent as she gleefully rips our ego into pieces. hah, that what she thinks. after you survived surgery posting, this is pretty much child's play...just like paeds posting.
one day, as the bed side teaching was about to start, the lec came up to me....
doc: what is the diagnosis of this child??
me: he is having down's syndrome.
doc: YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!! if you know the answer why must you said out loud. you think you damm smart isit!!! now how am i going to ask your other group mates.
*^&*#@@!!! then you ask for wat!!! kanineh...
and last week, i got screwed by one of the doctor there for leaving my note book on the patient's table. i used that note book to record the patient's history and i left it there for a brief moment cause i needed to wash my hands before examining the child. i cant be washing my hands and holding on to the book at the same time.
cilaka.... when i got back to the patient's bed, my backside kena panggang habis habis by the doctor. apparently she was in a bad mood that day. several other guys got it from her to for equally ludicrous reasons. she later complained bout us to the college faculty member. and last week, i was "ASKED" to sign an apology letter to her for the sake of my end posting exams. i was also "ADVISED" to get her chocolates as a peace offering cause she is a chocolate lover. the only chocolate she is getting from me is the one that i make in my freakin toilet bowl.
and two days ago i was at a health clinic. a mother brought in her one month old child for his normal routine examination. as i bend foward to measure his head circumference, suddenly i felt something warm hitting my forearm and elbow. when i turned to look....damm thing was nicely urinating like a bloody fountain on me. that must have been the highlight of his short life. indian peeing on a chinese. racist kid....
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
pictures from kampung pintu satu
once we reaching the clearing, the rest of the journey was on foot. somewhere inside those hills are the refugees settlement.
this was the first 'home' that i came by. the burmese dude was busy repairing a bicyle. bicyles are the only source of transportation for them. they salvaged these bikes from dumpsites an repair themselves. there are 8 people living in this tent alone. and the nearest water source is 20 mins walk away.
further down is the chapel where they have their weekly mass. the chapel doubles up as a clinic whenever the health team visits the place.
on the other side of the hill, you'll get these clusters of tents known as 'kongsi.' each kongsi houses between 12-30 people depending on its size.
living conditions here are deplorable. the blue canvas which forms the roof and wall of these tents barely protects them from rain. and now being the monsoon month, i really dont know how they are holding up.
skin diseases are a norm for these people cause of constant exposure to the external environment. somehow or rather, dengue and malaria are not a common occurence (all though there are a few cases) here. maybe they have develop resistant towards those diseases.
clean water supply and basic sanitation is a real problem. they dont access to clean water and their only source of water are three wells dung up recently. since they dont have a toilet, they have designated a specific area for you take a dump. each well serves a different purpose. one if for cooking and drinking. one more if for bathing and washing. another is for you to 'cebuk.'
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
cerita spender yang terbiar.......
anyway, after receiving the call, i hurriedly emptied my dirty laundry and text books and then passed the bag to AT. an hour later i got a call from him.
AT: my gf would like to thank you for your bag
me: aiyah, no problem man.
AT: she would like to thank you for something else as well.
me: oh, what bout??
AT: she would like to thank you for leaving your bloody underwear in the bag for her.
me: oh fuck!! serious ah?? are you sure its mine??
AT: fucker!! if the bloody spender is in your bag, if not yours takan my gf isit!!!
me: what colour isit??
AT: black.
me: what brand?
AT: Byford
me: is she holding it right now??
AT: ya. why?
me: Ohhh...
AT: why, whats wrong??
me: that underwear used already but havent wash for one week.....
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
selamat DEEPA-RAYA....hope that aint sinful
shocking aint it. for those who didnt read the papers(or maybe you did but because the editor of the Star and and NST rendered it so insignificant that it only carried a few pathetic lines that most people would have missed the story. but do check out the Sun) you probably think it came from some Taliban guy in Afghanistan or Ulamak in the middle east.
No sir. the comment came straight from the mouth of a fellow malaysian. yup, the same malaysia who has the dream of being a develop country by 2020.
to a certain Fauzi Mustaffar of Takaful Malaysia's Syariah Department, YOU the MAN!!! how you came to such a conclusion i would never know. IF Islam does condone such a teaching, then by all means Mr Bush, do the world a favour and nuke them muslim SOB back to the stone age.
im no islamic expert but it doesnt take scholar to know that a religion as great as islam would have condone such a thing. case in point: the greatest muslim warrior ever, Salladin, who retook the holy city of Jerusalem from the christians, spared the lives of the christian crusaders. once they ruled the holy city, he allowed followers of other faith to continue practicing their faith freely. what made this more significant is the fact that a century ago when the Christian crusaders won control of the Holy City, they butchered every men, women and child that were muslim. but yet when the situation was reversed, Saladdin showed compassion and released them instead of forcing into slavery as were the norm then.
now im sure Fauzi and Salladin is worshipping the same god and reads the same Quran but how in the world did he come out with such a statement really baffles me. this is the problem you get when you put an uneducated overzealous religious bigot in a high position.a degree in Islamic studies from a local Uni doesnt make you an educated person. we all know its a course for a bunch of rejects who cant get the course that they want. if he had mention his thoughts over a cup of tea with other religious bigot(so called champion of islam) colleagues of his, its probably ok cause its just among them pathetic selves. but he felt it was only right that he emailed his thoughts to every employee in Takaful. i dont know. maybe he felt he was saving them from eternal damnation. its hard enough trying to understand the complex nature of a human mind let alone the mind of a five star moron.
and what drives me mad was the fact that he refused to apologised. them guys at takaful actually tried defending themselves by saying that the email was for " internal circulation only and as an advice or opinion for our staffs only." in other words, they are telling us other nonmuslim- sinful-about to be burnt in hell malaysians to buggar off cause its not our problem.
you know what would happen if a christian priest or a hindu monk were to said "dont wish your muslim friends selamat hari raya cause its a sin" in a local paper?? firstly there would be massive demonstrations and riots on the streets. secondly, churches/temples would be burn and vandalise and lives would be lost. finally, who ever said it would be thrown into the ISA.
but chill out fauzi, you can still continue to puasa and think of more idiotic emails. why?? cause UMNO and PAS are in this contest of trying to prove to the people who is more islamic. the goverment doesnt have the balls to throw you into the ISA. that would only create a backlash among the muslims voters. so why piss off 70% of malaysians just to please 30% of infidels in this country.
yes indeed....
day 11
worst of all was his parents back in burma. couldnt stop crying when they heard the news. i guess you can imagine the pain of not being able to see your son anymore. and whats more, they cant bury him back in burma cause he is a refugee and there is no way the guy's parent can afford to come to malaysia. cant even bury your own son.
his reason of death is unknown and can only be confirm by an autopsy. most likely due to a ruptred aneurysm or some blood clotting disoder. he was apparently healthy before this.
they managed to collect RM5000 from within their own Kachin community to pay for the funeral expenses. this is another testament to the solidarity of the burmese refugees in this country.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
day 10
unlike in limau manis where they have access tho clean water. here they still rely of well water which is rather mucky and dirty. there is no proper sanitation as well but they did reserved an area in the junle just for the sole purpose of defeacation. the people here are quite safe from the hands of the law cause they are all registered with UNHCR and also the fat cats in the law enforcement agencies dont want to go thru the hassle of entering the jungle to look for a bribe.
saw something interesting there. there was this kid who had off and on high grade fever for the past week. and there was multiple vertical dark lines on his neck due to some traditional medicinal practice. what they do is they take a piece of metal, heat it up and then scrap the skin off. its believe to reduce fever and body ache. if you ask me, the only reason the guy wont feel any body ache is because the only pain he will be feeling is at his neck.
Friday, October 06, 2006
day 8
been to a few a mobile clinic also which caters to the need of the refugees. they are there on a weekly basis and the medical team work in a confined space. cant believe the clinic is right in the heart of the city. but its pretty new so i guess the authority has no clue bout it-yet
patient volume load is pretty high ranging between 70 to 120 patients. so sometimes the team can be there from 9am till 7pm. it is no suprising considering there are many refugees working around bukit bintang area. its not uncommon for 20 odd individual to be living together in 2 bedroom apartments. yesterday (4thoctober) there was a raid on that area by the Immigration and rela members. one of the burmese guy i met last monday who is a volunteer with MSF was arrested and thrown into a detention center awaiting deportation.
another good thing about this electives is that im given the chance to improve my clinical skills which is simply not possible back in college. there was this guy who was assulted last week and he came in to remove all his sutures and i was asked to do it. he had something like 20 odd sutures all around his body. hope i didnt hurt that much when i was removing the sutures.
when MJ, the french nurse in batu arang, found out that i had yet to withdraw blood from a real life patient, she so kindly offered her veinS to me. i got the sequence of steps wrong (did not release the tourniquet before removing the needle) so she offered me the other arm. on the second arm, i failed to push the needle deep enough so when i turned to take the vaccutainer, the needle came out and blood started oozing out. i went "oh Fuck!!"
but she was all chill bout it and said, "dont worry. we practice again next week." how sweet.
so im heading there now to pock her again.
*i've seen withdraw blood twice, so i guess i wont hurt her so bad this time.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
one wild boar please
me: ah boss, yoh sang chau choo roh mah chin tian mah??(do you have wild boar meat today?)
boss: meh wah??? (wat??)
me: sang chau choo roh.
boss: poo ming pai la (don understand la)
me: there, babi hutan la.
boss: meh wah??
me: babi hutan la...
boss: (shakes her head)
me: wild boar. sang chau choo rog!! you dont understand???
boss: me yoh ting kor (never heard of it)
me: there, na ket oink oink oink chai hutan lei (there that one oink oink oink in jungle)
boss: huh?? chee pian meh yoh la (huh?? we dont have it here)
me: there na ket choo oink oink oink chai hutan!! ??
boss: oink oink le lor mo la (oink oink your mother la)
later i told mad that the shop said they didnt sell wild boar. he to was puzzled. "what did you tell her??" he asked.
"sang chau choo roh," i replied.
"nabe!!! sang chau choo mean banana pig la, you idiot!!!"
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Quote of the week
Dr. Kamal, after telling me how two captured indonesian illegal immigrants were forced to renovate the house of his neighbour, who was a cop, for free.
Monday, October 02, 2006
day 5: visit to limau manis
Just bloody shocking.
what i saw reminded me of the people i noticed on my journey from manipal to udupi. those of you are from manipal would know that im refering to the people who were living by the dumpsite. while there is no dumpsite at this settlement but the living conditions arent any better.
there are no houses. just make shift huts, if you can call them that, or tents tightly packed one after another. the wooden structure is just 30cm from the ground with no walls or nets and the roof is made up of plastic canvas or whatever waste material they could salvage from the construction sites. such living condition made them very vulnerable to dengue fever and malaria. and please bare in mind the fact that they have been living like tat for more than 5-6 years.
up to a year ago, there was no clean water supply, electricity or basic sanitation. needless to say, diarrhoea was a common thing then. only recently the NGO digged them a well and helped built a small water catchment area. since then the incidence of diarhoea among the community has decreased significantly. much can be done to keep the place cleaner. but without a proper waste disposal system, you can understand why the place is littered with plastics, papers and rubbish.
during our lunch break i had a chat with some of them. those who have been here for some time could speak fluent malay or english. their stories are the same as i've heard over the past week. they ran away from their homeland because of prosecution and financial diffulty. and then i got the usual story of policemen coming over to the settlement on a monthly basis asking stupid questions like "mana passport?" when they fully well know that these people are refugees. and the reason why the cops paid them the visit.........MONEY. and we are not talking about rm100-200 here. we are talking by the thousands. and each time they come, they not only solicit bribes from them but in some instances physically abuse them. and if they dont pay up they will be arrested and thrown into detention centers and deported back to their country. the people i talked to claimed that the community got so fed up with the constant harassment that their community leaders made a pact with the police superiors that they will pay a monthly fee to them and in return the police will not come and harass them in their settlement. so each member of the community have to surrender RM15 a month for 'protection.'
but the 'protection' is valid only if they stay within the settlement, which is of course impossible. they have to go out to work at the various constrution sites all over putrajaya. and work is from 9am till 10pm. if they were to be stopped by the police or other law enforcement agEncy, they would have to pay between RM1000-2000 per person. even you and me dont carry that much cash let alone a poor refugee. they told me there were cases (4 in total) where refugees were so desprate to evade capture by police that they tried to escape by jumping over a bridge resulting in their death. and this claim was substantiated by a press release i read over the internet by the International Secretariat of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT).
despite all the hardship and financial constraint the community, who are mainly Baptist, managed to pull their resources together to built a small simple wooden chapel that could fit at least 40-50 people where they have their weekly mass. the chapel also double up as a community center and a place where volunteer doctors examine and treat sick members of the community.
what i admire most about these guys are their spiritual strength may they be catholics, protestants, buddhists, hindus or muslims. i seriously believe if most of us were to be in the same boat as them, it will be hard not to have blamed God for all the difficulties. but these people are just SIMPLY AMAZING. there seems to be an undying glow of faith and trust in god. once i had lunch with them. me being the pig that i am, started pushing food into my mouth the moment the plate touced the table. but these people all took time to pray and gave thanks to god before eating. i felt really embaress bout it that i started to give thanks as well. they all started laughing when they saw me praying with half a chicken wing sticking out of my mouth.
their community spirit is so strong and inspiring. for example, not all members of the community will be employed. so those who are employed will do their part and support them financially until they receive employment. and if any one of the members is taken seriously ill, two or three will take leave from work to bring their sick friend to the NGO for medical treatment. it might look like a small thing to you and me but we are talking about forfeiting a day's wage which is alot for them. and also these guys are risking their own safety cause they run the risk of being arrested by the police and deported back to their country to face a certain doom.
they are just amazing. there is just so much we can learn from them.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
day 4: A refugee's story
Khaw (not his real name), a burmese refugee, has been in and out of malaysia since 1991.he is an ethnic chin and hails from the Chin state(light blue on the map) which lies next to india and bangladesh. life was real hard in myanmar and job opportunity are far and few between. ocassionally he will cross over the border into india to do some trading. most often than not he will be stopped by the burmese army or the chin national army(a militant group figthing the junta goverment) who expect him to pay a large amount of money before he can cross the border. the army regularly dropped by his village to seek for a bribe or to harass the people in his village because they are chins. the chins have been fighting against the junta goverment for many years now to seek the right to form an autonomous state, free from the meddling hands of the opressive and corrupt military goverment. it is not uncommon for the chins to be caught and thrown into jail on mere suspicion alone for being a militant. once there, words can never fully describe the horror of torture and human rights abuse.
motivated by the desire to run away from the hardship of life and prosecution, Khaw finally paid RM1,500 (equivalent to what he makes in 9 months) to a group of human smugglers to help him enter malaysia illegally. he travelled by land all the way from the Chin state through thailand and into malaysia. once here, he got a job working in a construction site. work was hard and long and the pay minimal but at least he has a job and he was earning more than what he did in myanmar. he is one of the lucky few whose employers actually paid their wages. many refugees work for months only to be told at the end by the employers to take a hike without their pay. and these people cant do anything bout it cause they are in this country illegally and they cannot seek a legal recourse.
since 1991, Khaw has been caught(officially) and detained a total of 6 times. sometimes, the arresting officer (most of the time are rela members) would ask for a bribe. anything from money to handphone to watches will do. for those time that he did not have any valuables with him, he was detained. it is no suprise that he has little or no respect at all for men in uniform.
he has been to almost all the detention camp in malaysia. he said living condition in detention camp was terrible. the toilet has no flush or water. everyone just sleeps on the floor and the detainees are not allowed to leave their living quarters. food was bad. most of the time its just plain rice with a few miserable strains of green veg or half an egg. they only receive chicken meat once a week and it aint real big a piece. however, he denies ever being physically abuse by the detention camp officers.
he was was once found guilty by the court for entering the country illegally and was thrown into jail for a few months. he recalls, "lepas 3-4 bulan kat penjara, saya sudah boleh keluar. kertas kertas semua sudah sign barang semua dah kasi balik. tiba-tiba dia check sama record, penjara punya orang kata dia orang sudah lupa kasi saya rotan. dia cakap saya kena tinggal kat penjara untuk 3-4 hari lagi supaya dia orang boleh rotan saya. saya cakap you rotan saya sekarang saja. saya tak mau tinggal sini lagi."
so he was tied down to a plastic barrel with a guard holding his head down and he was given a stroke of the rotan. he said it was the most painful thing he had ever had to endure. "fuyoh, dia punya sakit, langsung tak boleh tahan. sakit gila!! 4 hari tak boleh duduk baik baik." and what did they do for him after that??
"dia kasi kain untuk sapu buntut dan satu panadol," he said, laughing.
once arrangements has been made, the burmese refugees are herded into a truck and are deported at the thailand border. at the borfer, they are released but groups of human smugglers (acting after being tip off by the immigration officers) will quickly get hold of them and they are kept locked up. there are only 2 outcomes. you either pay the smugglers RM1,500 for them to smuggle you back into malaysia or you dont pay and they will sell you into SLAVERY for RM5,000. i was shock when he told me that. at this time and age, slavery actually still exist. most of the time it is rich thai fisherman that buys them and the refugees have to work till the master feels they have done enough to pay off the RM5000. that can take up to 10-15 years.
Khaw had saved enough money to bring his wife, daughter and son into the country, illegally of course. they are living together in a room in a run down apartment. two other rooms are occupied by chinese and philipine illegal immigrants. Khaw and his family are now registered with UNHCR and are waiting to be resettle into America. depsite having UNHCR document stating that they are political refugees, they are still living in constant fear. they are not safe from the hands of law because malaysia is not a signatory of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of a Refugee. that means even with the UNHCR document, they can still be caught, charged in court and deported back to their country, which usually means death or imprisonment.
before i had to run off to continue with my work, i asked him if things got better in myanmar, will he want to go back. he replied, "tentu balik. myanmar rumah saya dan juga tempat terbaik. tapi kena tunggu demokrasi datang dulu."
"tapi itu tak tau berapa lama lagi...."
Friday, September 29, 2006
day 2: batu arang
the NGO have a real nice set up here. the hospital is so clean. cleaner than most of the hospital i've been. the patients themselves clean the hospital up. there is a duty roaster set up and every patient has a role to play unless they are very ill or unable to move. and unlike most hospitals, there is a real feeling of closeness and bonding among the patients and staffs. . there is a burmese doctor and a volunteer french nurse here. they are the one who look after the patients and make any necessary appointments with UNHCR and the local hospitals.
most of the patients here are refugees from burma and nepal. most come with tuberculosis and work site accident injuries. there is a there is a 19 year old kid with Pulmonary TB and he weighs only 39kg. he is nothing but a pack of bones. another guy had renal TB so they had to remove his kidneys cause it was only functioning at 10%. another guy had to had part of his intestine removed 'cause of TB as well.
few other guys came in with fractures or crush injuries. this particular guy's story is pretty sad. he is a burmese refugee working somewhere in kl when he met with an accident and had an open fracture of his tibia two years ago. he developed osteomyelitis and it was not responding to medical treatment. the only option left was surgery but he couldnt raise the RM5K needed so he has been on external fixators ever since then. two whole bloody years. and because of that he could not seek employement anywhere.
the food here is actually not bad...if you are into hard labour. the amount of carb in the diet is crazy. i had a real HUGE plate of rice, some veg, dhal gravy, a piece f chicken wing that probably came from somalia (it was so bloody thin) and 1/10th of a chicken neck. but not to fear, the first thing i did was to scout the small town and i found quite a number of shops selling pork.
heading there for dinner now.
day 1: country mouse goes to the city
met up with the NGO guys in their office. nice bunch of ppl. i will be spending most of my time in PJ instead of batu arang cause it will be easier for me to travel to all the different settlement and detention centers scattered around kl.
Mad, my old school friend was kind enough to let me bunk over his place for the next month. and his place is very near the infamous gasing hill. might just drop by one day to check if the rumor bout ppl getting jiggy there is true or not.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
No wantan mee for a month
this would probably be my last post....not permanently though. wont be writing anything for a month or so cause i would be off to do my electives in some ulu kampung area called batu arang. if you cant recall the place, i suggest you go to your store room, blow off the dust from your form 2 geography text book and look into it. its an old mining town 45 minutes off from rawang. from wat RG told me, there is nothing but old mines,trees, old mines, trees, old i really dont think they have internet connection there. but oh god, i pray the people there do cook pork.
its basically a NGO setup catering to the needs of the migrant society in our country. most of these people do not have access to health care primarily because of financial difficulty and also because of fear of running into the arms of law as most of them are illegal migrants.
the reason i chose this place is because i want to know whether im cut out to do what 'i believe' is to be my calling in life. this is a hell of a good way to find out whether i was suffering from hallucinations and delusions all these years. you know the saying, "when you talk to god, its called praying. but when god talks to you its called schizophrenia."
of course the added incentives was that i was told that i would get the chance to work with people from Doctos Without Borders (Medicens Sans Frontieres). but the greater incentive of all was that i dont need to wear a tie or a lab coat and can go about their place with shorts and tshirts. kanineh, straight i said yes man. no need to think twice.
so hopefully by the time i come back i;ll have lots of stupid stories to write and would have lost enough of weight so that some dumb 5 year old kid in the hospital wont be calling me "badak sumbu."
Friday, September 15, 2006
mental health
SUHAINI AZNAM, columnist in the Star newspaper, on why suicide occurs in our community.
Its a mad mad world...
he wrote a very good article on mental health care in malaysia especially focusing on depression and suicide in the Star paper.
these are some cold hard facts from WHO:
- 450 million people world wide are affected by either a mental, neurological or behavioural problem at any one time.
- about 873 000 people die of depression each year.
- one in 4 patients who seeks health care has at least one mental, neurological or behavioural problem but these are often not diagnosed nor treated.
- most country designate less than 1% of their health care budget to mental health. in malaysia, with a population of 27 million, there are currently less than 1,000 psychiatrist in the goverment hospital and fewer still in the private sector. for example in the state of melaka, there are only 2 psychiatrists in the private practice. annually, only 40 psychiatrists are produce in this country.
the low number of psychiatrist in this country boils down to the fact that many in our society still do not understand the importance of mental health. people with mental illness are stigmatized and discriminated by society. the only friends they have as they wonder around cities or towns semi-naked or in rags are isolation and poverty. even within the medical fraternity itself, psychiatry is sadly considered as an outcast of the medical pratice. while this way of thinking is slowly changing, we are still a long way off in accepting mental health as a medical disease.
robbed off a sound mind by fate, able minded people go one better by robbing them of their dignity. they are ostracized and are often banished to one corner of town. in some families, a family member who is mentally ill of even mentally challenged are tied to a pillar by a chain or locked in a room. cut off from the outside world as though they never existed. to these families, its not about locking away a creation of God for his/her own benefit. its the hiding of a family shame to uphold and protect the family's pride.
but i guess you cant lay all blame on society alone. knowledge on mental disease is still very minimal and understanding of the pathophysiology of it is at best at an infancy level. the most they can up are hypothesis and thats about it. if even doctors and scientist arent definately sure as to why it happens, what more bout the uneducated. as the saying goes "you fear what you dont know." much of the stigma surrounding disease can be prevented by making society more aware of it and by setting up support group members among people who has a loved one who is mentally ill.
but as long as mental health is not viewed as a medical condition but as a weakness of character or a punishment from god for past family sins, the cycle will continue.
Friday, September 08, 2006
being a non-bumi malaysian
i read bout it in the papers and did not felt a thing. i thought it was just another misunderstanding that when a bit out of hand. at that time i just couldnt understand what the whole fuss was bout. that was until i saw the video and hour ago on U-tube....
when i saw the video i was fucking pissed!!!! 20 odd of them harassing a small group of chinese (the bookworm defenceless type) which included a few girl members. idiots were pushing them around, shoving their shoes and football boots at their faces and screaming at them. and the only thing the poor chink could do was the shout, "Jangan gaduh! Jangan gaduh!!" and all those bastards were laughing at him.
ok look, im not angry because im a chinese and it was the chinese getting pushed around here. i have many friends from all races. if the situation was reversed i would be ashame and angry as well. 20 against 7. how brave of them. how fair can that be. why dont they try doing the same thing down in Petaling street or Jinjang. bloody cowards....
anyway, because the vidoe was mass circulated in the internet, the local chinese press picked it up and it made headlines. due to the public outcry and political pressure UPM had an inquiry into the matter. all the perpetrators were let off with a stern warning becaue their actions were deemed "not serious" as they were just "pushing people and chairs". if you ask me, they got off lightly. you can go speculate why why they got off easy.
on retrospect, the chinse students were wrong in the first place to set up their counter since they have not got official approval from the administration. but a bigger crime was definately committed by the members of the student council. one can understand their anger of having their space intruded, but we are not animals and they are university students at an age where a certain level of maturity would have set in. to behave in the manner they had is shameful and down right disgusting.
the matter did not end after the inquiry. a cyber war of sorts was being raged on the internet. i got a real shocked when i read some of the comments posted on U-Tube.
meangirl: Kudos for Malays!That's what happened when they let Malays/Bumis get into the university with mediocre scores while the Chinese could be denied despite of earning excellent results.
broaguy: fuck you meangirl88, i hope i can fuck your mom and force your dad to fuck you in front of ur buddha statue..fuck u slit eyes..u pig-faced freak chinese
hansiam: brogaguy pls enjoy urself... after that pls use ur fucking koran clean ur sperm!!! ok.
a center for higher education is suppose to be a place where future leaders of this country is being shaped. based on these comments, things dont look to bright for our country. but there is always hope
whitedice29: can we stop the hating in this thread...its just making things worst.wat the diff between u and the guys in the vid if ur going at each others throat like this?theres no diff at all..and please leave the topic religion free...its not a good thing to read.might be hard to control these kinds of violence,but if people who reads this cant even think rasionally,might as well just leave the dream of having world peace.
after 49 years of Merdeka, its sad that we still live under the shadow of racialism. some older people i know feel things are no better than when we were under the british. in fact, they believe that it has actually worsen. lets face it man. we are not as MUHIBAH as we like to potray ourselves to be to the world. you see posters of chinese, malays and indians smilling together as though there is no promblem in the world. yeah right. "air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya." we are living under the constant threat of racial disintegration. i cant help but feel that i would see a racial riot happening in the not to distant future. i've already seen one in this life time (kg gandhi and kg baru incident). under the apparently placid smooth waters of racial relationship, there is a storm brewing from underneath.
and why not. the finger cannot be pointed to the normal rakyat may they be malays, chinese, indians, kadazans, ibans etc. how can the rakyat themselves hope to work with each other in harmony when polliticians and leaders in this country constantly play the race card in order to enhance their standing in their community. how can there be hope if the goverment doesnt have the political will to make hard, unpopular but RIGHT decision that will ensure fairness for all communities. the rakyat look up to their leaders for direction and guidance. if the leader is just a power hungry, selfish piece of shit then how?? how long more before all of us realises that we are MALAYSIANS and not malays, chinese, indians etc??
sometimes as a malaysian chinese, i get the felling that im growing and living on a rented house. you live and grow in it. you love the house and have many fond memories but the land lord constantly reminds you that its not your place and that you are are lucky to be living there as though you dont deserve to be there. and when there is a big problem with the house and you want it fix, the land lord says that its your problem and if you dont like it, you can move out. that is seriously how i feel.
how many times have us non-malays been told to "balik tongsan" or "balik india"??? how many times have we heard of stories of hardworking non-malays in the civil service being passed off for a promotion to a young upstart because of the colour of skin or the name in which he calls God. how many times have we read in the papers of non-malay students with exceptional academic performance failing to get into the university or a scholarship? how many times have we read of orang asli kampungs who do not have clean water supply and electricity??
look, im not against helping those really in need in this country. if you want to give scholarship to poor but deserving students, give them by all means. if you want to help new businessman in the dog eat dog world of business, by all means give it to them. but it seems that only the bumis that are on the receiving end of most things. are there only poor bumis in this country?? are there no poor or derserving people from other races?? im not denying the fact that chinese and indian students do receive scholarships etc, but there are so many more being left to fend for themselves. and who looses out in the end?? why go crying about brain drain everytime and calling those working overseas as un-patriotic?? why ask stupid questions like, "how come non-malays are joining the civil service and police??" if you put such racially discriminating policies, of course they wont want to come back or join the civil service.
why do we always get the impression that we are just visitors in this country. my forefathers might come from a foreign land on a boat but i was born and raised a Malaysian. i know no other country then this. my mother land aint china!!! my mother land is Malaysia and am proud to say that it!! unlike some people i know who wants migrate from this country, i would never do so. why would i?? i know no other home but malaysia. and i love my home.
my fore fathers and the forefathers of others from various races did their part in helping Malaysia earn her indepence and make Malaysia what it is today. why then are we not able to enjoy the same benefits. other races pay their taxes dont they?? we help built up the economy didnt we??
i love my country, malaysia dearly. but does my country love me??
Sunday, August 20, 2006
trip to PD
first stop was the light house at tanjung tuan which is situated on a hill. apparently you can only walk around the light house and not into it. so when i walked into the light house building i was greeted rudely by an untidy dirty looking construction guy. "Apa buat di sini!!! keluar!! keluar!!" was shooed off without an explanation. bastard!! hope he falls off the cliff.
next stop: camping site at tanjung tuan beach which is a lagooon. the shore is around 700m from the tip of the cape where the light house stood. there was not much camping site cause of the high tide and short shore line. we finally found a good spot and set up our tent.
before we knew it, this big malay family planted their arsses just 2meters from out tent. bloody noisy. and the children are not toilet trained. morons were peeing on the beached just like tat. and before we knew it, a group of mat rempit set up a tent 2m away own our right. kurang ajar betul man. we were here an hour before them and these assess just conveniently intruded into our space. cant camp other place isit!!!?? nabe!!! we tried to indirectly chased them away by announcing loudly that we had beers and pork with us. but it didnt work. babi betul.
resigned to the fact that our hope of a quiet and peaceful night out is gone, we took out our iced chilled heineken beers and drank it while watching the sunset. fucking great feeling man. for a brief moment, all your problems vanished. its only you, your ice cold heineken and god's gift of beauty to mankind.
as night approached, we started a fire and we soon we were cooking. rice was the first thing we cooked. am proud to say, our camping and cooking skills have not diminish. the rice we cooked over the coal was superb. not a single overcooked rice. next we started cooking curry chicken, chicken kurma, chicken vindaloo, lettuce, fried eggs and of course the main dish- STEWED PORK. oh mama.
tried our hands at fishing. it was bad. not a single bite!!! should have brought the dynamite.
at around 1am, it was low tide. because its a lagoon, during low tide, you can walk out up to 700meters from the shore. there were many people with torch light walking around catching crabs and prawns. we had a go at it and were more succesful than the conventional fishing. arm with only a small torch and a digital camera we started off with our new found adventure. not bad. caught a few crabs. it was hillarious. when the crab started running, we also started running-sideways. once when i was about to squat down to catch the buggar, i accidentaly farted. well, you would think it would slow down the crab, but it actually ran faster.
we actually managed to find a sea cucumber to. disgusting looking thing. but we chinese think its a delicacy. we eat bout every damm thing that moves.
sleep was not to good. our campsite was under a tree. i slept out in the open on a mat. half the mat was taken up by our utensils while i took up the other half. as i was about to sleep, things started to dropped from above. it was fucking guano!!! was to tired and lazy to moved the mat around. besides, there was not much place to move about as well. so the whole night had to endure the bloody bat droppings.
this is how a sleep deprived guano-fied face look like.
hell, cant wait for my next trip there again.
Siti and Datuk K
ok, so Siti Nurhaliza is finally getting married to someone called datuk K(what the hell does K stand for anyway?? datuk kongkek by any chance??)
who the hell gives a shit!!!
apparently lots of people. yeah, i know she is the song bird of the nation(sheila majid is still the best) and sure she is drop dead gorgeous. hell i wouldnt mind marrying her if im not required to cut loose a fold of skin at a certain anatomical site. and of course there is that small problem of paying RM1, 000, 000 for the wedding( you know how many wantan mee that is!!!)
but all these hoo-haa about their marriage is getting out of hand. frankly, im getting sick of it. you open the papers, you see them on the front page. when you watch the 8pm berita perdana they are there too. open up any local magazines, their stories are there. want to enjoy a nice tv show on a sunday afternoon, TV3 does a one hour exclusive on their wedding preparation(hey i dont have astro, so i cant switch channels). actually you cant really blame the couple. its the bloody editors and tv station heads that are to be blame. they report every dam thing. from the seven layered baju kebaya wedding dress to the seven wheel horse carriage they are going to use to the RM5oo,ooo engagement ring she got.
the cream of the crop was this front page article i saw on a local tabloid/daily. its headline was was: Datuk K FIT, Siti OK. and the story was along this line: walaupun umur Datuk K hampir menjangkau 50, tetapi tenaga batinnya masih belum lelap. menurut pakar seks Dr.?? (some moronic sexologist with nothing better to do), peminat siti tidak perlu resah kerana tenage batin lelaki masih kuat walaupun dalam umur lingkungan 50-60an.
what the fuck!!! i thought we came from a conservative society. and here we are discussing about somone's 'tenaga batin' on papers. bodoh, kalau tak boleh buat, makan viagra atau minum kopi jantan la. mangkuk!!!
well, i finally blew my top last night. it was 3am and i was deep in La-La land dreaming of getting kinky with sania mirza and natalie portman when suddenly my hp beeped loudly indicating i had received a sms. it was from hotlink. well, i dont mind for going a wet dream with ms. mirza and ms. portman if Mr Annanda Krishna had decided to reward me with RM5 worth of credit time. but when i opened the msg this was what i got:
a once in a lifetime chance to take pictures with the bride & groom! Join Siti Nurhaliza's SMS Contest 2day. Send CT to 28600. 15sen/msg sent, 50sen/msg
mai cibai.... im switching to digi.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Quote of the week
Dr.SivaB, HOD of Surgery department on why you should do mammography for both the breast.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
old newspaper of a special kind....
yesterday my mom called the 'old newspaper' guy over cause the old papers were stacking up nearly all the way to the ceiling. after receiving her cash, mom went back to her daily chores. after 20mins she noticed the guy was still outside the house gate reading something. curious, she went out to enquire what was the matter and then the guy showed her what he was reading.
MY japanese porn magazine!!! MAI CI.......
the mag was birthday gift from a friend who was working at japan at that time. the mag has nothing fanciful. just a bunch of half naked japanese women. i seriously dont know how the hell it ended with a bunch of old papers?? hhhmmm.....i guess my brother is growing up.
anyway, back to the old newspaper guy. and with a voice full of disdained he said to my mom, "eh, why your son reading this kind of things one le???"
and this guy lives in the same neighbourhood as i am. crap.... and knowing how my neighbours are (they and their Radio Malaysia mouth) guess the news that i have a porn mag will make its rounds around the neighbourhood. as it is i think some of my neighbours arent to happy that im coming out with my boxers every night to throw the rubbish. i mean come on man. a man's balls need some air man. i cant be keeping my balls in a spender the whole day. warm temperature fucks the sperms up. cant have retarded sperms swimming around. and its not my fault that their daughters want to have a look at willie and the twins.
expect to get some dirty look from the aunties when i go out to the food court for food.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
best sister day....
i got severeal of this SMS last friday. see the problem if you get to close with the fairer sex. they all start thinking you are their zi mui.
im a GUY dammit!!! call me heng tai ok la.
dont call me your zi mui!!
next time i think i need to show them my Willie and the twins just so they know.......
Thursday, July 13, 2006
im a fat boy?!?!?
the dude doesnt have much visitors except for his sister who visits him periodically. all his family members had disown him cause of his HIV status and plus he is a pimp by profession and an active IV drug user.
anyway, on the first few days he would tell me he is hungry and that he wants to eat but no one is there to buy him food and the he does not agree with the hospital food. so i bought him some simple cake during my break time. the next day, he said he wanted coke with the cake. so i got him. on the third day, he wanted two packets of cake and a coke. on the 4th day, he wanted the same plus cigarettes. wah lau, melebih man!!!! i bought him the everything but the coke.
on the fifth day i was pretty busy with other stuff so i did not follow up on him in the morning. but in the afternoon, i went to his ward to observe a pleural tap (they stick a needle into your lung to remove whatever fluid or pus thats in it. oh yeah, and the doctor that did that procedure, well he stick the needle into the left lung when the lesion was on the right lung). during the procedure suddenly i heard him calling out "FEH CHAI!! FEH CHAI!!!" (fat boy)
i didnt bother looking at his direction as i was to engrossed looking at the procedure. i thought he was calling out for someone else. and he kept calling out, "WEI FEHH CHOO!!FEHH CHOO AH!!!(fat pig)
when i turned at his direction only did i realised he was calling me.
ME??!!!! he is calling me a FAT PIG!!!
i walked towards him with ego also bruised up and mood suddenly being real foul,
me: ah, why you calling me for??
pts: why never buy food for me??
me: how i know you want food?? you also never tell me you want food.
pts: who said i never tell you?? you promised you'll buy this morning!!
kanineh!!! i was not in the ward the whole day, how the hell i could have promised you to get you food. and some more call me a fat pig in front of the whole fucking ward then expect me to buy food for you. KNNCC!!!! Tiu leh lor mor la!!!
me: ok ok. i'll get you later.
pts: make sure ah!! you dont forget again. if not i wont trust you fat people again.
yah, like your trust means a lot to me.
po-dah la!! pandi sutek na ket
anyway, i left the hospital in the afternoon forgetting to get him food.
and i dont feel bad bout it.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Toilet paper please, im chinese
so the other day after having a huge dinner with a few friends, i headed back to the library to continue studying for my mid semester (coincidentally i was studying bout the colon and rectum). then out of the blue i had this great irrepressible urge to go take a dump. so i headed straight to the library toilet only to find that there were no toilet papers in all 3 cubicles. each student pays a quater of million and they cant afford to stock up toilet papers. i would have curse the college outloud in hokkien if i wasnt focussing my entire energy on my anal sphincter.
i had no choice but to run up to the second floor and use the toilet there. by this time my arse was on the verge of exploding and releasing whatever foul contents it held. and i didnt dare climbed the stairs 2 steps at a time for fearing that excessive spreading of my legs would lead to a toxic waste disaster at the stair well and ruin my image and my medical career even before it started.
so when i eventually reached the toilet, i rushed into the first cubicle, removed my pants and
ahhhhh!!! what a feeling. what a relieve. at times like that it makes wonder if the satisfaction you get from emptying your bowels is better than having an orgasm.
but when my right hand reached out to grab some toilet paper there was none. NO TOILET PAPER??!?!?! MAIII CHEEEPET!!!!
WTF!! does the college administration realise that chinese students make up 35% of the student population??? we are chinese!!!! we use toilet paper. we use pangsai chua. how to pangsai and not have pangsai-chua after that.
Kanineh!!! had no other choice but to cebok (thats ass washing to the uninformed). i grabbed the bitet and aimed blindly at my arse( i dont know how those buggars can aim without looking). when i squezzed the trigger, no water came out. not a single fucking drop.
this is turning out to be a real nightmare. how the hell am i going to clean my ass now?? no tissue papers. no text book. no A4 pad. nothing. (back in secondary school, i was once caught in the same situation but i had with me my buku undang-undang. so....go figure).
this is a serious shit (literally) of a problem.
one option is to walk over to the next cubicle. since there is nobody in the toilet at that time and taking into account my dire situation, i decided it was worth the risk. now i cant pull up my pants and walked out cause that would mean soiling my underwear and pants. so i had to leave my pants hanging mid-thigh with my right hand clinging on to it while my left hand held on to the back part of my shirt. as i left my cubicle, i was hoping for 3 things:
- that god has had enough fun with me
- there is actually toilet paper there
- and no one walks into the toilet at that time
it was crazy. i was like donald duck in a sprint race.
wobble wobble wobble.
and my dick was swinging like a pendulum.
thank god there was toilet paper in next cubicle. but before i could wipe my ass my hp rang.
me: yah harllo
mamat: hello MR tan!!! how you man??
me: eh mamat. i ok. eh i busy now. call me back later.
mamat: you busy with wat balls??
me: i making a "deposit" now la.
mamat: serious??! so late at night?? can ah??
me: ya ya ya
mamat: which bank is this man??
fucking moron!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
mindless conversation
mamat: acam china pek
me: kucing you acam??
mamat: baik baik
me: boleh pinjam kejap??
mamat: kenapa pulak??
me: oh tak de la, anjing gua bosan.
mamat: bapak(stressss giler).....
Sunday, June 25, 2006
World Cup fever
Dr: aisay, asal kaki boleh patah?
patient: pasal macam ini. semalam masa tidur gua mimpi gua sedang main bola kat world cup. kat mimpi saya tendang bola tapi mana tau sebenarnya tendang isteri pulak.
Dr: ohh, pasal itu kaki patah la.
patient: oh bukan la. isteri bangun dan kasi patahkan kaki....
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Cranky Old Fart
(conversation was in hokkien)
me: ah pek ah, how long you been have this lesion??
COF: lu see tenang ah?? (are you chinese??)
me: ah see see. wah see tenang lang(yes yes im chinese.)
COF: lu gong balak eh tenang la!!! lu men chai chee geh semua eh lau tenang lang pun tiok eh!!! haiyahhh. see beh gong eh loh kun lar lu!! (you stupid chinese la!!! dont you know that all old chinese men will have this skin lesion!! what kind of stupid doctor are you.)
according to his file he is also a known case of congestive cardiac failure, hypertension and chronic obstructive airway disease.
me: ah pek ah?? lu ooh see mee see mee pee boh?? (ahpek, do you have any other illness)
COF: boh la boh la!!! lu mai chah see chah lang la(no la no la!! dont bug me)
me: lu ooh chak yok boh??(are you on medication)
COF: ooh(got)
me: eh yok chak choh see mee leh?? (what are the medication for)
COF: AIYAH!!! men chai lar. (aiyah, i dont know lar)
me: lu boh mui loh kun ah??(didnt you ask the doctor)
COF: MUI LAI KAM LAN AH!!?? ee kong see mek wah pun boh bim pek. loh kun kioh wah chiak, wah mai chiak lor.Hai yah!!!(ask for what, to suck cock isit!!?? what he said also i dont understand. doctor asked me to eat, i eat lor. hai yah!!)
on his social history
me: ah pek, lu see kah siang kiah? (ah pek, who are you living with)
COF: kah wah eh boh kiah la!! na wei!! wah mui lo, lu see kar lu eh lau boo kiah see boh?? wah lau weh, lu ah. meng ang kan eh gong mee kia (im staying with my wife la. na wei!! i ask you, you are living with your mother right?? wah lau weh, you ah. asking stupid questions)
following day, when i was following up on him he just got up from his sleep and was drinking a cup of milo.
me: ah pek, kia nid oo kar ho boh?? (ah pek, are you feeling better today)
COF: wah lau weh!!! koh see lu lagi ah!! ho sim lu la. wah see puek chap it hueh liao la. lu eh sai hor wah see huah hee tampuk boh. mai lai cha wah la.( wah lau weh!!! its you again ah!! for goodness sake, im 81 years old now. can you pls let me die in peace ah and dont come and disturb me la)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
death in the ward
i was about to leave the ward with the rest after a massive round of ass jacking from our orthopedic lecturer when we noticed the emergency. so some of us thought of staying back and skipped lunch to see and gain experience on managing an emergency case.
the poor guy was involved in a road traffic accident. according to friends in the A&E, he was vomitting out blood there. the doctor thought they had stabilized him so they shifted him off to the ward. that decision probably caused him his life.
once in the ward he was coughing out massive amount of blood. when the doctors inserted a tube into his lungs, blood came gushing out. within a minute or two, there was more than a liter of blood in the container. they had to clamped the tube to control the blood lost while they arranged for a blood transfussion. in the mean time, the patient became restless and started to struggle. so they had to restrained his arms while me and a few others held on to his legs. blood was just pouring out from everywhere. his lungs, his ears, his iv line and his pants were soiled with urine. he probably was bleeding into his abdomen as well cause from visual inspection, it was grossly distended. CT scan revealed a skull fracture.
in other words he was a goner no matter what.
as the doctors tried valiantly to resuscitate him, he suddenly just stopped moving and went blank. his eyes were opened and was starring blankly into space. then his heart stopped and his PO2 stats started dropping. one of the doctors started doing cpr while the rest continued to resuscitate him. the blood lost was so massive and quick that the doctors had to manually transfused the blood by injecting it straight into the veins instead of letting it dripped by itself from the beg.
in situations like this and in everyday life, i feel very useless if i just stand there doing nothing. since cpr can be tiring after a while, i asked if i could help them with it. and they allowed me to do it. i've done cpr many times on a mannequin but having a real dying person under your hands is totally totally totally different. i have no problem recalling on my earlier training but the difference between a dummy and a real life person is that you can break a man's rib if you do it to hard.
and thats what exactly happened to me.
i heard a bone cracking sound under my hands and immediately felt my hands tensed and turned cold. did i just break the man's rib??? the question kept on repeating itself over and over again in my head but my hand kept on with the compression albeit with lesser force. then this female doctor whooped my ass from behind and said, "eh kenapa lemah sangat?? you tak makan ke??"
"takut patah tulang dia nanti," i replied
"tak pe. kuat lagi."
so i went backed with the original force of compression but within a few minutes i heard the same cracking sound. and the whole mental torture raged on in my mind. i told myself it couldnt be a fracture cause the chest contour and resistance was still the same. i did it just so that i can continue with the job at hand and not be paralyzed with guilt and self-doubt.
after 30-40mins of cpr and other forms medical resuscitation, the guy's heart still failed to beat on his own and he was declared dead. his family members who were near the bed were informed of his death. we just moved away in silence.
at that point i was not sad or anything. i didnt even know the guy in the first place. i was just worried that i did more harm than good. and somehow or rather by my inexperince, i helped pushed him to the other side. these issues bugged me for two whole days. it kept on creeping into my mind and every attempt to shrug it off was futile. friends told me it probably the sound of the the bone moving in the joint space, just like when you crack your knuckles. and if it was a complete fracture, the chest resistance and contour would be different.
the issues was finally put to rest a few minutes back when i spoke to a dear friend who is practicing medicine in the UK. she said the A&E doctors there told her if you dont break at least a rib during cpr, you are doing it wrongly. it indicates that you are not compressing hard enough hence blood flow to the rest of the organs is insufficient. and judging by the severity of the patient's hemoptysis(coughing out blood) he probably had a couple of rib fracture from the accident itself.
whatever it is, it was a good learning experince. i just wish it wasnt such a traumatizing one.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
breakin a bone
breaking a bone is not something nice. getting the bone back into place is even worst. 100 times worst!!! especially if you have a low pain threshold level like me.
i have no problems looking at disfigured and deformed limbs. but the treatment, lord god....
if they say surgeons are butchers, then orthopedic surgeons must be the king of them all.
there was this guy(who looks like a bangla but has a Jamaican name) who broke a bone in his leg. so they had to do something called below knee skeletal traction where they connect a weight(around 5kg) to a metal rod in his leg. in order to that, they had to manually drill a 10cm steel rod through the guy' leg just below the knee.
they gave the guys some anesthesia over the area and they proceed to drill the steel rod into the skin through the bone and exiting on the other side. drilling through a bone is no easy job. on a scale of 0 to 10, i will say its around 12. one doctor will be pushing the guys' leg and another doctor will drill the rod from the opposite side. if ever these doctors loose their license to pratice, i bet they wont have problem getting a job Petronas CariGali.
it took 3 doctors to complete the job. there was a female doctor who tried drilling the rod through but i seriously doubt she contributed anything to the cause except to cause more pain and misery to the poor guy. below was the conversation that took place during the procedure:
D1: kasi kuat lagi!!! kuat lagi. ah, tangan jangan bengkok. nanti rod senget boss marah.
D2: ERGHHHRHHH....sial la!! tak boleh masuk!
D1: kakaka...kau ini lemah la. suruh pigi gym tak mau. ah X(akaD3) baik kau warm. nanti you punya turn.
*D3 really starts doing stretches while D2 continues to drill the rod. at the background, you have the pseudo-jamaican patient muffled groans.
D2: ARRGGHH....huh!huh!huh! wei penat la. hahaha. betul betul tak boleh la.
D3: ah biar saya buat sekarang.
D3 starts drilling with a vengence.
pseudo-jamaican: argh.....
D1: ah lagi lagi!!!! kakaka....fulamak. ini X kurus la tapi kuat macam badak.
pseudo-jamaican: argghhh....
D1: lagi lagi!!! jangan stop!!!
pseudo-jamaican: WARRRGGHHHHHHHHH.....
D1: apa pasal you jerit???
pseudo-jamaican: wah, banyak sakit man.....
D1 looks at the patient's leg.
D1: oh, rod dah hampir keluar. kasi dia bius....
skeletal traction....its the same thing that the bangla got.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Crappy bus
as it is the weather is so bloody humid, the bus air-cond refused to work on numerous ocassion. yesterday, the bus tyre blew up during our journey back to mlk. KANINEH!!!
Monday, May 01, 2006
football in evertything you see??
there is only one player(the mother) in the game and the aim of the game is to try to kick(contract the uterus) the ball(the baby) thru the goal post(the vagina). most of the time, one goal is all you need to seal the game. but sometimes multiple goals(twins, triplets) are needed to win. usually multiple goals are needed only if the player is on performance enhancing drugs(fertility pills).
players playing the game for the first time usually require a skillful coach(the doctor) to help guide her thru the game. the coach, will intermitently give advice to the player on the best way to score the goal. now if the player is either too dumb or too scared to comprehend instruction, the coach might resort to the infamous "hair dryer" method made popular by Sir Alex Ferguson, to try to scare the shit out of the player(shit do actually come out in the course of the game) into scoring. the hair dryer method usually works on the player.
to liven things up, cheer leaders(nurses and idiotic medical students like me) are brought in to try to cheer and motivate the player. sometimes due to the stress and irritation(not able to score despite kicking many times), players do lash out verbally and physically at the spectators. in such cases, usually the spectators would just shut up from then on. common injuries sustained by spectators are fractured metacarpals, bruised eyes and broken tooth(from a slap/punch), bald patch(player manually removes the spectators hair follicles) etc etc
usually at the end on normal time, the goal would have already been scored. in cases where after 90 mins + injury time, and the player has yet to score, the game goes into extra time(instrumental intervention). the special thing about extra time is that the coach now can take active participation in the game. if the player still cant score, the ball will be deflated and she losses the game. and the coach is most likely to be fired.
and the coach fires the spectators(the medical students).
Friday, April 28, 2006
Question of the day....
wtf!!! how the hell did the person come out with a question like this!??!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
pissed off and stressed out
have you ever asked yourself why oh why are these ppl in your life? is it god's way of making us more patient?? is this god's method of population control, so that by the time we are 40 we are most likely to die from a heart attack or a stroke.
i've tried ignoring these people but due to circumstances beyond my control, me and these rejects from hell are in constant contact.
now, im not one to resort to violence. i always believe in talking them thru whatever might be the problem or conflict. but sometimes these ignorant fools can be so childish and down right pissing off!!! at times like this i wish i have a monster truck so i can run the sons of bitches(bitches also) down. mai cibai!!!! see beh too-lan......
tell me, what do you guys do??
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I am feeling....
im so pissed that i want to kill every dog, baby and waiter at jiki!!!!!
the day started off badly. i woke up with a bloody flu and headache. so i popped an antihistamine and waited for it to get better. unfortunately, it didnt work and my nose continued to be a leaking Hoover dam.
was forced to drag myself off to bed and go to my mom's shop to help my aunty who is bitching that there is not enough help at the shop. my aunt can be a real nag and complainer. and the ranting is harder on the body when you have a throbbing headache. so there i was squatting down and peeling potatoes and hearing her complaint. in my panadol high, the potatoes look so much like stones and the temptation to throw one at her was almost to great to resist. but of course i didnt throw it. or not i wont be typing this now.
when it was 4pm, i was finally allowed to go back. FREEDOOOMM!!! i jumped on my bike and started the engine only to realised that i had a flat tyre. so my sleep was postponed for another half an hour.
when i reached home, took my shower and jumped on my bed for the much needed sleep. then my stupid dog decided to start barking. and it kept on barking and barking and barking..... fuck man!!! what the hell does my mom feed it with!!?? fucking duracel batteries!!??
after 2 hours i gave up. i woke up to look for dinner. and the only thing left on the table was a bowl of rice, some chicken and fish bones. sometimes i wonder if im my mother's son. FISH BONES!!!! KANINEH!! even garfield dont eat fish bones man!!!
so decided to go jiki's for some food. while eating, there was this young girl around the age of 3 who just wouldnt stop crying. cibai man....first the dog now this. i was dammm iritated by then. wanted to stuff my telur mata kerbau into freaking mouth to shut her up. i just dont understand some parents. dont they feel ashamed that their kids are so noisy and spoilt. at least be considerate to the rest of the public la. this parent semacam aje. dont even give a shit that her child is crying and there is a pissed off chinaman with a whole mata kerbau at the end of his fork waiting to throw it.
i finished my food in record time and i head straight for the exit. when i reached home only then i realised that my i left my hp on the table at jiki. when i went back there. all the waiter claimed not to have seen it. bloody liars. they cleared the table immediately after i left. how can not see it. probably nicked it for themselves. when i tried calling my hp, it was already swithed off. bloody thief!!!
lakhanat!!!! gua sumpah lu punya anak bila lahir keluar tak de nonok atau konek tapi satu handphone glue kat ari ari!!! puki mak!!! tiap tiap kali dia kencing, dia kena electrocuted!! padan muka!!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Lent: Day 40+2
but since its holy week now, might as well go meatless till easter.
after that, im off to machap. muahahahha!!!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
My Hero.....
Homer Simpson....dooh
Finally!!! Simpsons- The Movie. after 17 seasons of success, the producers are finally bringing the series to the silver screen.
targeted release date is on the 27 july 2007. Spiderman III, move a side. Homer is coming to town.
homer is my biggest hero. i have a tummy as large as his. im chinese so that makes my skin yellow and i love beers. now all i need to do is to find a job at a nuclear power plant and get my gf to exchange her black curls for an afro blue style. oh yeah, she needs to spray her self yellow to. or else, she can just be ah poo's wife.
the best birthday gift i can get this year is the cap that he wears that can hold two cans of beer at its side with straws coming down to his mouth. ooh mah.... the perfect company when watching football on the telly.
just hope the movies makes it to our local cinema. the damm gahmen has a habit of blacklisting movies for the stupidest of reason. good example in mind, Daredevil. the reason given was excessive violence and that its inappropriate for a guy to have the word devil in his name. bad influence it seems. moron!! dont even know the meaning of daredevil.
so keep your fingers cross and hopefully we will see that ass scratching, beer drinking, doughnut loving idiot on the screen soon.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
joy to the world
its a good day today!! thank you Lord!!
got my results today and i passed my papers. after 2 months of mental and physical torture, its finally all over. its a great feeling to see 3 'P's (PAss) by your name in the name list. guess it would have been better if it were 'D's (distinction) but now now... i aint no genius. im just a burung pipit, flying from branch to branch. let the eagles fly as high as they want. passing will do just fine for me. talk about total lack of ambition :)
but it was a bit of gloomy to see some of me mates crashing in a subject or two. opthal seems to be the major killer in this exams, with over 45 failures out of 130 students who took the exam. wonder wat went wrong. all the best to me mates for the resit!!! you can do it!!
another piece of good news today is that my mom's surgery went on without a hitch. her 3rd,4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae was compressing on her spinal cord so they had to widen the canal to prevent further compression. hopefully, now she can walk again without any pain. but in the mean time, im the official delivery boy for my mom's food business.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
stomach content before my final paper
1 mug of Milo O kau kau
4 pieces of banana
2 pieces tau sar piah
500mg of Panadol actifast
20mg of loratadine(antihistamines)
500mg of antacids
1000mg vitamin C
1 fucked up gastrointestinal tract
Friday, March 17, 2006
Rolls Royce: 6 months
Mercedes: 3 months
Toyota: 16 hours
Proton: 16 minutes (tea break included)